My Button Collection!
HEWWO! this is a collection of buttons i have seen either from browsing neocities or other sites. if u see ur button here and u do not want it on this page or if u were improperly credited, message me through any of these methods with some sorta proof that u are the webmaster!!
This is the button for this website!

Note: most buttons below (besides the made with vim and KOSA button) bring you to pages i can't control!!! below is a "content warning key"!
* = nsfw content is present on this page | ** = nsfw content is the main focus of this page | ? = unknown source | ! = this page may have language that could be seen as offensive to some | !! = flashing lights | ^ = button made by me
if i really like ur site and u dont have a button i will make one for u!!! u can then use it as ur own site button if u want!!!
this is how it will look: