
Bob's Definitions!

This page will define words that are either very jargony or their meanings are not obvious.

Free Software

Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.”

When I am referring to free software as in free of charge, I may use terms like "free of charge" or "free as in price."
Important note: This term is often conflated with the term "open source."

TPM Module

A TPM module is a device that restricts the users ability to use their computer by putting DRM on the hardware level.


Officially called "Digital Rights Management", but better described as "Digital Restrictions Management" or "Digital Handcuffs" is a way for malicious software developers like Ubisoft or Microsoft to restrict the users ability to use the software that they create. For example, requiring an internet connection to play a game.


No, not the Fortnite dance. FLOSS refers to Free Libre and Open Source Software. This is a way to remain neutral between the ideas of Free Software and Open Source software.