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Bob's Diary!

HELLO!!!!!! this is my diary!!!!!!! a bit of a warning tho, anything goes here and is usually a dumping ground for negative thoughts :( if u wanna cite a post or use it for AI please read the conditions HERE (12/9/24)

pro tip: always do a hard refresh (CTRL + SHIFT + R) to make sure ur not looking at an old version :D

I am not confessing to any acts stated in this webpage. Any mention of illicit activity should not be treated as factual or as a confession. All posts will be cleared after every year.

25/1/25 @ 20:14
this year i removed the 18+ thing on the main page
22/1/25 @ 13:17
trump is a fucking dumbass
21/1/25 @ 14:39
reminder: the RESTRICT act is like putting a fishing net over a burst pipe.
18/1/25 @ 23:50
allergies are fucking bullshit!!!
17/1/25 @ 09:58
tell KOSA and RESTRICT act to go fuck itself
1/1/25 @ 22:05
1/1/25 @ 00:10